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Nina Huchthausen (00:02.99)
Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Makers Business Tribe podcast, the very first one in 2025. Can you guys believe this? I had committed to myself to do weekly episodes, no matter what. And last year, even when I had gastro, even when I was sick, even, even, even, I would do it. And in December, I fell off the wagon and fell off the wagon.

Energetically, I was so exhausted and I was just crawling to the finish line of Christmas. And I didn’t do it. I had it on top of my mind and I didn’t do it. And I think even in my last episode, I said, look, I was beating myself up for a while, but

I didn’t have the energy, my energy for it to show up was not there.

A question that I always ask myself is, what is better? Showing up no matter what or letting go of that maybe unrealistic goal of never ever skipping an episode for my own sake to take a break and nourish myself?

and show up full arsed versus half arsed or nothing in the tank and do a shitty episode that nobody wants to listen to anyways. So I chose the latter and I’m cool with it. Okay, I’m cool with it now. Maybe in last week’s episode was a little bit more, I had a little bit of a different view, but ultimately I have made some more choices.

Nina Huchthausen (02:04.271)
in my life for 2025 and one of those choices are or is that I want to make sure that I feel good first and if I do not feel good and if I feel like I’m scraping at the bottom of the barrel that I will pause and just

rejuvenate and let go of worrying about the algorithm, worry about what you guys might think, worry about whatever that is, of not being consistent, because I don’t have it in me and that’s okay. And that’s the same for you maybe, you know? Yeah, so in today’s episode, I wanted to…

or share with you guys that.

Uh, right now, as I would say until just a couple of days ago, I was completely scatterbrained. I was scatterbrained in terms of, you know, trying to come back into work after two weeks of amazing time with my partner and my baby Teo for the first time. I played golf after my partner, Adam, said to me, Hey, we’re going to the Nusa Golf.

and spa resort and I’d only booked ourselves for a spa. So he was like, well, let’s play golf first. And I was like, okay, cool. I booked this in. I’d never played golf before, by the way. Yeah. We went to an op shop to buy myself an outfit because they require, of course, certain look. And I, I wasn’t sure whether I had that specific look in my wardrobe. So we went there and I bought this specific golf dress.

Nina Huchthausen (04:04.792)
that I since returned because I didn’t end up wearing it. Then we rocked out and I pretended to look very professional and explained all the golf clubs to me. And then we started driving off and I had never played golf before. We had two people playing with us that I was like, my gosh, how is this gonna go when they see and when we tell them that I’ve never played golf before, we had people right behind us. We had people right in front of us.

Yeah. And then me just like standing on the grass and Adam explained to me how I’m just going to play. OK. I think I did three holes because I didn’t want to hold up this whole big group that was behind me piling up, giggling their asses off. What I was trying to do there. And I had some shots though.

I had some shots. pretty proud. And I honestly really enjoyed it. And it was something that I’m so happy that we were able to do it. But yeah, after just doing completely random things and just having fun for two weeks, when I was trying to come back, I was like, I have no idea where I am, what I’m doing. Everything feels overwhelming. my freaking God. OK, so.


What kind of helped me get out of this, what the fuck am I doing situation, were a few questions. And these are not just random questions, but I would honestly say probably in 2016 or 17, I listened to a master class from Brendan Bush. That’s where he shared some of these questions. And then I’ve refined it since.

Nina Huchthausen (06:02.36)
when I was still working in corporate and leading teams, high performance teams in the tech space. And these questions back then were very much helping any new leader to really create some good direction in their life. A really good reason as to why they’re doing something and not doing something, create and prioritize.

for themselves as well as looking after themselves energetically and not just burning the candle on both ends. So pulled out these questions because I used to love them back then and I hadn’t asked myself these questions. I did them, filled them in and I’m still doodling on it. And I was like, my gosh, this is brilliant right here. Because if you feel anything like me,

still kind of being out and about doing stuff in your mind, me still telling this story about my goal of experience, yeah, and watching videos and laughing about myself whilst I’m trying to actually step back into reality and grow a business, then these might help you. Or you might be already fully stepped into your business, but you might have forgotten

to sit down and find out for yourself, where do you want to get to in the next six to 12 months? What are you aiming at? And how do you need to show up in order for that to happen? Because it can very easily happen that you just had a short break and now you’re back in it and you’re just doing, doing, doing more. But if we just do, do, do, but we don’t have something to aim towards.

and we haven’t decided how we’re going to show up and we haven’t determined some clear boundaries, so we are not completely burned out once we’re getting to it, then chances are that you might get be quite unhappy by the end of the year because you haven’t achieved anything. How could you? Because energetically, the universe doesn’t know where to lead you to, and you don’t know where to lead yourself to, which also means without a goal, it’s very easy.

Nina Huchthausen (08:21.739)
to start and stop at million things, never finish anything, and always, always asking yourself, is this the thing that I should be focusing on? Once you have a goal, once you know what you are aiming towards, it’s a lot easier to sense check and see, is this what I should be doing? Why am I wasting my time? Yeah. So.

Nina Huchthausen (08:48.821)
If you don’t have a if you ask at a brain and you have a really hard time getting back into work, then let’s do this together, my friends. So, who invitation to pause and stop, get a piece of paper or just listen, get a piece of paper after come back to now and then work through these questions. Okay. You don’t just want to work through them in your mind. You want to write them out.

so that you can stick them to your wall or you can have them in a notepad so you can keep looking at them so you can keep reminding yourself. So the very first question that I asked myself a couple of days ago is really bold one and I want you to think bold. I don’t want you to play small and why you should just give go all in. Just imagine this was your last year on the planet. Okay?

I like to add a bit of pressure because if we think, you know, I got like 50 years left, you know, what does it mean? that year count? No, no, we never know these things. So I have a really clear conversation with someone saying, Nina, was, what would you do if this was your last year? Make it count. So the first question is, Nina, what do you want?

Nina Huchthausen (10:16.237)
What do you want? How do you want to a life that is 10 out of 10?

Nina Huchthausen (10:26.305)
How do you want to live a 10 out of 10 life? That could be a really big question, it could be very confronting. Because maybe you’re not living a 10 out of 10 life.

But then it might be really good for you to sit down and re-evaluate. Because you have already lived a bunch of lives, a bunch of years. And at some point, you will be running out. So it’s always good to ask yourself the question, how do you want to live your life? What does a 10 out of 10 life look like for you? What is it? Do you want to live on a mountain like a monk? Amazing.

I want to write that out. Do you want to live in a beautiful white, low maintenance, four bedroom plus house with ocean views like me?

Nina Huchthausen (11:29.708)
What do you want? How do you want to live your life? Every day.

Take your time, write that out. And how do you want to spend your time and your energy?

How do you want to do that? Like, what do you want to invest your time and energy into? What are, projects that really excite you? What are things that you want to achieve that you want to talk about on the last day of your life? It might sound harsh, because why am I talking about the end of life? Well, because every year matters. Every year matters. Every day matters. We don’t just want to diddle-daddle.

Because if we create a habit of diddle-daddling, chances are every year you diddle-dattle. And then once it comes to that last day, you’re like, oh, fuck, I diddle-daddled. What the heck? No. You want to think about, as part of the question, how do you want to live your life? What do you want to happen? What do you want to have access to? And you want to think about how do you want to invest your time and energy?

You wanna also think about who are the people that you wanna hang out with? Who are the people that you wanna source energy from and gift energy to?

Nina Huchthausen (12:56.64)
And you could also write out who you don’t, because maybe you have a bunch of people in your life that you’re like, they’re just training me. So maybe you want to write out, I don’t want this. But you always want to write out, I do want this. Yeah. You need to be clear for yourself what you do want. If it’s just a don’t, you’re still visualizing what you don’t want. So you want to write out what you do want. Very important. How you want to invest your time.

into work projects, into private projects, into hobbies, into your family, into your loved ones, with your partner, with your lover. What do you want? How do you want to invest that time? You’ve got 24 hours in a day. How do you want to invest it? You might have to feel into it a little bit if you haven’t really asked yourself that question before. It’s very important. Yeah, because time is the only resource on this planet that is scarce.

Same with our energy, we need a lot of recharging, so we only have certain amount that we can expense, right?

And then that next question, who do you want to be? Who do I want to be? What type of person? Calm, collected, Zen, creative, flexible, solutions focused, happy.

Barkely and flamboyant. What is it? Strong, healthy.

Nina Huchthausen (14:30.924)
You like a question to ask, right? Who do I want to be?

Nina Huchthausen (14:38.528)
And then you want to write out.

Nina Huchthausen (14:42.56)
What do you want, friends?

Nina Huchthausen (14:47.511)
to say about me, the friends, maybe work colleagues, maybe any partners that you do work with. What do you want them to say about you? Do you want them to say, hey, she’s so cool, very flexible, or hey, she’s always stressed out?

Nina Huchthausen (15:13.478)
Or she’s always tired. Well, she’s always, you know, positive things, hopefully positive things.

Nina Huchthausen (15:23.22)
Why am I asking this question? Is because if we’re really clear of what, what feedback we want to get or what we want when we are just listening, you know, let’s say you are, you’re a barbecue or playground and someone is like introducing you and kind of like, this is, this is my friend Nina or this is my colleague Nina or something. What do you want them to say next? Or what do what do you not want them to say next?

you know, sort of kind of like leave out, but it’s kind of true.

It’s a really powerful question because then you can also start thinking about, well, am I always creating that? Am I creating the perception that I want to create? I creating the story that I want others to share about me? Or do I maybe have to change something in my behavior and my attitude and my thinking and the way I’m showing up in order

or a different story to be told. So I just want to give you a moment to write that out and again full permission to just pause and journal on these. What do you want? How do you want to your life? How do you want to invest your time and energy?

Nina Huchthausen (16:52.214)
Who do you wanna be?

in terms of adjectives to describe yourself and what do you want your friends to say about you. What you want them to say about you?

What do you want? really the question. What is a 10 out of 10 life and a 10 out of 10 you?

Nina Huchthausen (17:17.622)
So write that out first. Once you have that, and you might have to turn on a little bit on this, then I want you to write down because of that.

Because of that, because of the me.

Now we can start setting a business goal. We can start some personal goals, maybe health goals, family goals.

actions to take.

Nina Huchthausen (17:53.838)
But a business goal, and maybe you’re wondering about this, why am not just writing out a business goal? Because the business is a vehicle, it’s a means to an end, it’s a means for you to live an awesome life, to experience the things you want to experience. maybe you can also write out in terms of what do you want is what do you want to experience? That’s just golfing. Whatever you want to experience, travels.

more intimacy, all these things.

So once you have all of the, do you want out? Then I want you to write out because of that, because of that, I’m now creating some clear goals, the timeframe and something that I can measure. Because of that, I’m also setting in our context because we, we are all, you know, maybe you, you, you want to put on your business hat because this business podcast ultimately.

Because of that, you might set a business goal.

that is clear measurable, that creates more growth, more abundance, more fun in your business, because that is a vehicle for you to be living your best life, but it’s also a vehicle that you are investing your time and energy into. So when we put time and energy into something, we want it to grow because otherwise, what is the point? Plants always grow year on year on year.

Nina Huchthausen (19:34.249)
always grows, the always grows, everything always grows and evolves, the cells in our body, they continuously turn over and change and grow and shift, there’s always something happening. So, because of whatever you have just described your life to be and how you want to be and how you want to be perceived to be, you might say, well, my goal in my business is to

have a financial goal that’s very important. So you write out your revenue goal. Why the number is important is because at the end of the day, that is energetically the amount of energy of return that you’re receiving for your investment of your time and energy. So write out what your revenue goals and by what date and time you want to achieve that. Very important because it’s very measurable. Then you might also want to write out

Well, because based on how you want to be and how you want to invest your time and energy, you might say that you only want to work three days per week in your business because you want to invest more of your time into self and self study. So you might want to write that out. Yeah. Maybe a goal of yours is to

connect with more humans and not just be behind a computer screen all day every day. So you might run right out. How many humans is that? And based on who you want to surround yourself with and who you don’t, who you want to give your energy to, you might maybe then also craft a measurable goal around the types of humans and how many.

types of humans you might want to connect with. Maybe because of certain goals, you might also say, because of that, I want to get my products into brand aligned and mission aligned retailers because I love human interaction a lot and I haven’t been doing this for quite a while. Or you might want to sign up to more events. So maybe you want to give a talk.

Nina Huchthausen (22:00.554)
about the topic that you’re really passionate about because you want to put your time and energy into not just your product or your service business, but also the mission behind that, which is something that I really want to do this year more of. And I want to go to more business events because I want to connect with more people.

And then also think about other areas in your life that you need to set clear goals about based on how you want to be, based on what you want. Now, what can those areas be? Could be health, could be wealth, it could be spirituality, it could be connection with your family, your friends, your loved ones.

family-specific goals.

What else do I have on my board? Business goals, of course. Maybe you have some self goals. Maybe you have some goals specifically with your partner. Think about the different areas in your life and how you invest it and see, OK, well, what do I want to do? I want to move the needle in those areas. I wouldn’t set too many goals because we have limited time.

and you want to be able to achieve those goals. So if you have like 40 goals, it could get a little bit convoluted. So think about that based on how you want to live your life and based on which goals you want to reach first, you might want to prioritize them.

Nina Huchthausen (23:43.968)
Now, now you want to pause again and really write those out.

Nina Huchthausen (23:55.885)
And once you’ve written those out, here’s the next layer. And that’s where it really helped me to reduce the scatterbrain and create some focus. Because of my goals, so now is the next layer. You always want to have a because of.

Then you want to start writing out what are the habits that you need to adopt in order to achieve your goals.

Nina Huchthausen (24:27.894)
Now, because I see this a lot of people are like, I have this new habit that every morning I’m going to go for a 30 minute walk or every day I want to do this or every day I want to do that. And then, know, like two weeks in, you can drop that and you wonder, OK, why, why did I do this? We start wondering why we do something if we don’t have a goal that we are actually aiming towards and we just decided to.

do something, meaning expending energy without knowing where that leads us to or the deeper why behind it. And sometimes we can also drop goals because we don’t know how that is serving to live our best life. So that’s why if we map out our best life first and then decide because of that, we have some goals. And because of that, we’re creating some really banger habits around it to facilitate the goals.

then that’s amazing. Now, why habits? Why not just actions? It’s because habits are that are recurring things that we do. It’s a daily thing or a weekly thing, but something that is recurring.

What I’ve noticed about myself and also see over and over again within a tribe, it’s the habits that really move us forward over the long run. A habit that we are adopting something that we keep doing over and over and over again because that creates consistency. this is these habits because I have stopped so many habits that I had.

last year when I was running my business, and then I went on break and we were just doing all random stuff. That’s why I’m having such a hard time or had such a hard time this week to come back because to reconsolidate and redetermine for myself, what are my success habits? How do I want to show up every day so that it’s easy to achieve my goals? And one of the things, one of the key habits

Nina Huchthausen (26:50.53)
that I’m just writing it out for myself again is to plan my month, to plan my week, and to plan my day. Because that way I know exactly what, based on my goals, what do I need to focus on in the month of January, what does each week look like, roughly, and then specifically what does this week look like, and then my day. It creates immense focus for me.

And if I do that in line with my goals and can see that my goals create that life that I want to live.

There can’t be much scatter because I’m laser focusing in to what matters and I can line all of the reasons why up like a string of pearls. And if I come up with something that I want to do in a given day that I can see is no relation to my goal.

I would drop it, right? So that habit for me is planning. Planning so that I can connect the dots and things are not just loosely floating in the air because it creates anxiety and it’s gonna bring for me.

Another habit for me is grounding myself every morning and visualizing who I want to be and what I’m attracting and ready for to receive into my life and see it clearly. Which is again, just visualizing what I want. How do I want to live my life and how do I want to use my energy? Who do I want to be known for?

Nina Huchthausen (28:37.56)
This morning I didn’t do it. And I think I had a lot of scatterbrain this morning because I didn’t know energetically what am I aiming for? Who do I want to be known for? So I got to get back to this. my gosh, but it’s 10th of Jan. So I just got back to that. You know, if you have a certain health goal, because maybe right now you are like, you don’t feel as good in your skin as you want to when your bones and your muscles, whatever that is.

Based on that, you might want to determine a certain habit that you believe will create a step into the right direction towards achieving that health goal.

So see what I’m doing here? We’re only choosing habits that helps us make it easier to get to our goal. Because now we’ve got a reason. Because if you’re like, well, my health habit is that I’m going to walk 30 minutes every day, I’m not just putting that out there. But I’m like, well, because I want to achieve a certain health goal, because I want to live my life in a certain way.

is maybe your goal is that you want to be bungee jumping once a year. But maybe your weight kind of limits that. So you’re setting your goal because you want to become a bungee jumper or do one bungee jump every holiday. Maybe it’s bit crazy, but I hope you get my story. Because of that, you’re setting a habit to achieve that goal.

But way beyond the goal is because the goal enables you to live the life that you want to Yeah. Because oftentimes, if we’re just setting ourselves a goal, let’s say I want to lose 20 kilos, but you don’t know what lays behind that once you achieve that, then it might also just become like, why did I really want that? It’s because of the life that you want to live. So the habits, which are often hard to maintain,

Nina Huchthausen (30:49.934)
If connect it to a goal and if you connect it to your life, to your dream life, banger. Maybe. So specifically for our makers business tribe members, and we have a lot of them who are very focused on getting their product into retail or maintaining it in retail or growing their retail partnerships. Yeah. A key habit that we want everyone to adopt is once a week to do

research on new stockists and partnerships that they want to create, put that into their pipeline, get organized, and once a week to do a code outreach, and once a week at least to do those follow-ups. That can become very tedious. But if you know I’m doing that to reach a certain goal, yeah, and you can clearly see that those steps, if you do it every day, every week, every month, that that will help you achieve your monthly, your quarterly, your yearly goals.

And the goals that you’ve set in your business will enable you to live the life that you want to live and make that easier. And that those habits also turn you into who you want to be known for and who you want to be. And then you get a reason to do these habits every day. A really strong one, because everything leads to each other. OK?

So the habits, so look at your goals, determine the habits that you need to adopt in order to achieve those goals.

And then you want to think about, well, maybe there’s stuff that you need to learn because you actually have no idea about how to do this. And you’re like, I’m, you know, like a thing that I really want to invest more time into is crypto trading. Okay. Is I want to step up my game and I have some, some, some big goals in that space, but I don’t know how I need to learn more.

Nina Huchthausen (32:56.151)
consistently. So I’ve already set a habit that I want to read a certain some something about it 30 minutes a day, but I also need to do a course I need to learn stuff. So I can so my habit can become even stronger. And I’m not just like winging it. Okay.

There might be other things in your life that you need to learn. Maybe in regards to business, maybe you’re like, OK, yes, I have determined that I want to reach out to stockists and follow up and foster my and my pipeline and nurture my stock is but you don’t know how to do this well. If you want to write out what I need to learn this stuff is otherwise I got a goal. I want to adapt some habits, but I’m shit ass and.

Executing. Let’s step up that game. Let’s learn it. Yeah. So we can master it. Then the habits will be much, much more enjoyable because anything that we get good at that we practice on a regular basis will become easy. Anything that we are not seasoned in that we do not because of that, we don’t enjoy it because of that. It’s really hard.

And then last question is,

Nina Huchthausen (34:16.247)
And this is a big one. OK, so I want you to maybe pause or listen to this a few times. The question is, what do I have to let go of?

or in which areas of my life do I need help from others? Because my ego comes out, I get stubborn, I get fearful. I want to stick to my old ways.

Nina Huchthausen (34:52.783)
Where do you get stubborn in your life? Where do you, are you very inflexible? Where do you have really harsh rules? Where you are hard and all.

Nina Huchthausen (35:06.998)
Where could you potentially have a foot on your own energy break that keeps you where you are?

Nina Huchthausen (35:22.159)
It’s a big one. So I’m going to share a story too. So for me, anyone who follows the Maker’s Business Tribe on socials, kind of like, man, Nina’s very inconsistent. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes not so good. I’m like, I know. I have, and I’m in the process of letting that go, exploring it and understanding why do I have

Why does creating organic social content feel so hard for me? Why is there a blockage? What is holding me back there? Because the business goals that I want to reach, organic social content can do a lot. And it shouldn’t be so hard for me, but there’s something that I need to explore.

that I need to let go of and maybe also need to get some help from others to help me let go of it. Because it cannot be that I am so inactive at this. It cannot be. I don’t accept it. Because how do I want to live my life? I just want to be able to do this super easily. Bang, bang, bang. For some reason, I can’t. I’m inflexible in it. I’m like, yeah, not sure.

That’s a big area for me. need to look into. And there might be some other areas. I’m sure there are other areas in your life. Maybe this comes easy to you. But you’re like, man, I’m beating around the bush. I’m not doing it. I come up with excuses. I get so angry and frustrated. I am fearful. I’m avoiding it.

What are those things? We want to shed some light on those things and give it some compassion and actually work through that. Because if we can let go of that sheet, our brain is way less occupied with excuses or reasons or fears or with stories that are not serving us and being able to focus much, much clearer on what we do want.

Nina Huchthausen (37:50.624)
in terms of habits that we want to adopt, terms of things we just want to learn and internalize, in terms of goals we want to reach, in terms of living our life.

Nina Huchthausen (38:05.24)
So yeah, my friends.

This might feel like a deep story. Maybe it is. Maybe you’re like, I can do this because honestly, you so can. You deserve this. You need to do this for yourself because it is one in a few billion chances that we made it onto this planet in the first place. Now we got 80, 90 years to make the most out of it. And every year there’s a year less to live.

Nina Huchthausen (38:42.934)
And of course, maybe you are not in your 80s yet. So you might be like, well, I still have another 40 years to live. Yes. But it takes consistency and habits to start living the life you want to live. if you make it a someday, it will be a someday. And a someday might be a never. If you make it a now and a line,

your habits with goals, and the goals with your life. And start letting go of the things that don’t serve you. my freaking God. Hallelujah. We will have so much fun. We will have all so much fun together. And everything that I’ve been talking about in my podcast last year and what we’ll be talking about this year and what our tribe members will be learning and how they’ll be growing their businesses online, offline.

across all channels, it doesn’t matter. It will be so much more fun and so much more easy. So much easier.

So with that, my friends, I wish you an awesome rest of your week. Enjoy it, live it, and get really clear and write it out in bold letters. What do you want? How do you want to live your life? How do you want to invest your time and your energy? Who do you want to be? What do you want to be known for? Who do you not want to hang out with? Then determine your goals, the habits to adopt, what you need to learn, and what you need to let go. OK?

And then you have that map and you have a banger map that you can stick to your wall. And next week, as I already promised last week, I will be talking about the key marketing and channel channels that we truly believe in the tribe will be very, very wholesome for you to either say yes or to say no to because they create some unique opportunities for your business to grow. It will be so much easier when you listen to that then, because then you can choose.

Nina Huchthausen (40:53.196)
with conviction, well, I’m going to choose these channels because I have XYZ goals. Why don’t you choose those channels? Because I have XYZ goals and it doesn’t make sense to invest my time into it. Okay. So write it out, stick it to your wall, embrace it. And of course, keep leaning into those goals. Don’t put them away. Have an awesome rest of your week and I’ll you next week.

Bye for now.

Podcast Episode:

What Do You Really Want? Aligning Your Goals, Energy, and Habits for 2025 Success



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About this Podcast:

As we dive into 2025, I’ve been asking myself this one big question: What do I really want this year?  How do I really, REALLY want to live it, experience it, enjoy it? And how can I set up my business in a way to not just make this a wishful dream but 100% reality?


And let me tell you—it’s not always easy to answer. In this episode, I’m sharing the exact process I’m using to align my energy, habits, and goals so I can show up as the best version of myself, not just for my business but for my life.

Here’s what we’ll dive into:

Getting honest about your goals. Why knowing what you really want (and not what others expect) is the first step to true alignment.
Reclaiming your energy. The small but powerful shifts I’m making to create habits that fuel me, not drain me.
Letting go of what no longer serves you. Because making space for what you truly want means leaving old patterns behind.

If you’re feeling scattered, overwhelmed, or stuck in the cycle of “busy,” this episode is for you. Let’s clear the noise, align your actions with your vision, and set the tone for a year that feels fulfilling, intentional, and yours.

Tune in now and let’s make 2025 your most aligned and impactful year yet!



Podcast Listeners Special! My new book –  The Wholesale Success Blueprint is still available to you for only $5.95. It takes you by the hand and guides you through – step-by-step to get your first bulk wholesale orders within just a couple weeks. Packed with all the strategies, templates, and tools you need to grow your business, get your products into shelves, and and with that ultimately amplify your online success.


Click Below to get the book:

Wholesale Success Blueprint


Your host:

Hey, I’m Nina Huchthausen, your host & the founder of the Makers Business Tribe. After more than 15 years scaling tech startups and government projects across the globe, I’ve seen firsthand what it takes to turn ideas into powerhouse companies. I’ve had the chance to lead the growth of some fantastic teams and now-global companies like Bike Exchange and MadPaws, driving successful IPOs and tripling revenue along the way. With a Master’s in International Business and Project Management, my background is all about organizational strategy, leadership, and finding those little time-saving hacks that lead to big growth.

I’ve been lucky to speak at events like CPA Australia’s Women in Leadership, Forward Fest, and Agile Aus, and my own journey scaling a business to seven figures while embracing motherhood has been one of the most fulfilling (and challenging) experiences of my life. My career path took a big turn when I decided to leave corporate life to focus on something closer to my heart: empowering other makers and leaving a positive impact on our planet.

Now, at the Makers Business Tribe, I’m here to support our tribe members in laying the groundwork for business success that’s not just profitable but also deeply fulfilling and helps you live your best life – toddlers, family, fun and all.

Follow the Tribe on Insta & FB @makersbusinesstribe